Figurative Language
L2 Dyslexia and L2 teaching: Sensitization of L2 teachers to the needs of learners with dyslexia
Linguistic Landscapes
A three-weeks micro-collaboration between Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Universität Zürich. We used the method of linguistic landscapes to combine to seminars: “Slavic Germany” and “Multilingualism in the Habsburg Empire”. The micro-collaboration consisted of a 90 min introduction into the method (see presentation), a three weeks virtual joint work of the students on a sepcific landscape…
Corpus-based Constructional Analysis
A four-week collaboration between UC Louvain and HU Berlin. Since our summer semesters are very different in terms of time, we only had four weeks for the collaboration. We also had to somehow solve the problem that the collaboration took place at the beginning of the semester in Berlin and at the end of the…