Understanding scientific research: epistemology and methodology

The objective of the course kit (12 teaching and hours) is to provide the students and other interseted parties with general information on the history of approaches to science and on epistemological and methodological evolution in scientific thought. The ultimate objective is to provide students with basic research tools for knowledge creation beyond and above disciplines in a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders, inside and outside of academia. The focus is on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity with additional interest in post-digital transdisciplinary research.

The course kit provides a brief overview of scientific research and methods from empiricism and positivism through constructivism and collaborative, contextualized knowledge design and development. Understanding of concepts of monodisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Development of critical approach to science and application of adequate methods in the construction of socially engaged interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, with special focus, but not limited on, social sciences and humanities.

Razvoj moderne naučne misli: epistemologija i metodologija

Cilj didaktičkog paketa (12 nastave i časova) je da studentkinjama i studentima i drugim zainteresovanim stranama ponudi opšte informacije o istoriji moderne nauke i o epistemološkoj i metodološkoj evoluciji u naučnoj misli. Didaktički paket obezbeđuje osnovne istraživačke alate za konstrukciju znanja u transdisciplinarnom ključu u konstruktivnom dijalogu sa svim zainteresovanim stranama, unutar i izvan akademske zajednice. Fokus u razradi materijala je na interdisciplinarnosti i transdisciplinarnosti sa dodatnim interesovanjem za post-digitalna transdisciplinarna istraživanja.

Paket nudi kratak pregled naučnih istraživanja i metoda od empirizma i pozitivizma preko konstruktivizma i kolaborativnog, kontekstualizovanog razvoja i usvajanja znanja. Uključuje razgraničavanje i razumevanje pojmova monodisciplinarnosti, multidisciplinarnosti, interdisciplinarnosti i transdisciplinarnosti, kao i razvoj kritičkog pristupa nauci i primena adekvatnih metoda u izgradnji društveno angažovanih interdisciplinarnih i transdisciplinarnih istraživanja, sa posebnim fokusom, ali ne ograničavajući se na društvene i humanističke nauke.


Subject Area(s):


Comprehensive Unit


Instructional time:
12 hours

Course Kit information

Final project - teams or pairs

Underpinning methodologies:
Project-based learning and teaching

Resources required:

Technology needed:
Computer, internet, zoom or other platform for online communication or collaboration

People needed:



Understanding and evaluating history of research methods from positivism to constructivism

Capacity to design and carry out a research project in an area of academic interest with emphasis on interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and post-digital academia

Capacity for  team work, collaboration and contextualized knowledge construction through the use of digital and analogue tools and media



RESEARCH COMPTENCES (on three axes):

Orientation within and across disciplines
Conceptual frameworks and knowledge creation
Approaches methods and techniques
and six levels (depending on the academic maturity of students level can be chosen and activities adapted)
Freshmen college student, entrance level (Awareness/ monodisciplinarity)
B.A. exit level (Exploration/multidisciplinarity)
M.A. entrance level (Integration/multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity)
M.A. exit and Ph.D. entrance level (Expertise/interdisciplinarity)
Ph.D. novice level (Leadership/critical interdisciplinarity and complexity science)
Ph.D. experienced researcher (leadership and innovation/critical interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity)
see https://prezi.com/view/qDratkYE9FxMAwhweGh6/ for further information

safety, communication, production and information distribution (see https://digital-competence.eu/dc/)



Introduction: power point presentations, video presentations, followed by group discussions

Team work: Designing a research project (see module “Assignment”)

  • 1. identify a research topic
  • 2. name research project
  • 3. design the cycle of inquiry
  • 4. design a research methodology


  • 5. carry out field work


  • 6. present research conclusions and recommendations
