Figurative Language Kit
Meine Daten – das postdigitale Zeitalter im Kontext entdecken und erforschen
Ziel des Kurses ist es, zu untersuchen, wie die Interaktion mit digitalen Geräten allgegenwärtig ist und dennoch alltäglich geworden ist und aufzudecken, wie diese Aktivität zu einem Teil einer wachsenden digitalen Wirtschaft geworden ist. Wir sollen unsere eigenen Daten kartieren und uns den verborgenen und neu geschaffenen Raum der digitalen Allmende zurückerobern. Die Möglichkeiten bewegen…
My data – discovering and exploring the post digital era in context
The purpose of the course is to investigate how interaction with digital devices is ubiquitous in human activity and yet has become mundane and to uncover how that activity has become aggregated to form part of a growing digital economy. It is designed for us to map our own data and take back the hidden…
Discovering your data footprint
Micro-Collaboration is about analysing your own personal use of the digital through the activities that you take part in. Before you start part one we would like you to take a digital skills assessment such as digicomp. http://www.digcomptest.eu/ orhttps://digital-competence.eu/ Next we ask you to make a map of this activity. From there we ask you…
Researching the concept of the post digital
This microcollaboration aims to introduce students to the concept of the post-digital. Students should first become digitally active themselves and reflect on their activities, decisions and thoughts. Then they should try to manage without digital tools and reflect on this as well. The collaboration will be framed by an introduction to the concept of the…
Needs analysis in L2 education
Understanding scientific research: epistemology and methodology
The objective of the course kit (12 teaching and hours) is to provide the students and other interseted parties with general information on the history of approaches to science and on epistemological and methodological evolution in scientific thought. The ultimate objective is to provide students with basic research tools for knowledge creation beyond and above…
Research methods
Language education policies and foreign language teacher education: agencies, practices and perspectives
Language Education Policies and Language teaching: Introduction and overview of concepts and terminology (language policy and planning; language education policy and planning; national/state monolingualism vs. plurilingualism; standard language cultures; foreign languages in education; top-down and bottom-up language policy and planning; language leadership and language education policy and planning); European Language Education Policies and the Council…