
  • Module Classes

  • Topic(s)

  • Level(s)

  • Subject Area(s)

  • Individual differences in L2 learning

  • How to teach children with dyslexia?

    In this modul we share two videos: one demonstating the dificulties a child faces going through the formal educational system and the lecture by an expert dyslexia therapist. The idea behind this module is to help students of all levels familiarise themselves with the topic of dyslexia, the way it manifests and to provoke thinking…

  • Einführung in die Methode “Linguistic Landscapes”

    Das Modul beinhaltet eine Einführung in die Methode “Linguistic Landscapes”. Es beinhaltet eine Präsentation, die für eine 90-minütige Präsentation konzipiert ist. Die Präsentation geht auf folgende Punkte ein: Die Einführung ist in verschiedenen Formaten verfügbar. Als Beispiel dienen (hauptsächlich) Aufnahmen und Analysen aus Berlin. Alternative Bilder vom westlichen Balkan sind in einem gesonderten Ordner verfügbar.

  • Activity: Journal critical surfing

    As used in the MC kit “Research methods“: In groups. The teacher will ask students to investigate academic journals to look for articles/papers with different approaches. Duration: 40 minutes Homework: The groups will finish the investigation outside classroom and will prepare a short presentation to explain to the rest of the class the next day…

  • Ice breaker: Virtual

    Using students will perform a group dynamics. The name game used in the YouTube video could be used as a starter. Besides, extra information like academic background and goals in future life could be asked by the teacher/moderator.

  • Self study: Designing research projects

    The module includes more information on how to plan a research project. Students can receive the module as homework and work through the content on their own at home.

  • Research planning

    The module includes an introduction to research project planning. It includes different types of input from different authors and from different microcollaboration kits. The module can be learned autonomously by students (via presentations and videos) or delivered in class. Instructions for specific micro-collaborations

  • Assignment: Designing a research project

    Assigment with the task to design a research project. MC kit “Understanding scientific research” includes the following elements: MC kit “Research methods” includes the following elements: Research Project design (60 minutes + 15 days supervised homework): Professor will ask students to create their own international research plans. For that purpose, students will be provided with…

  • Postdigital research

  • Overview of scientific research and methods

    The module provides a brief overview of scientific research and methods from empiricism and positivism through constructivism and collaborative, contextualized knowledge design and development. Modul predstavlja kratak pregled naučnih metoda od empiricizma i pozitivizma do konstruktivizma i kolaborativnog, kontekstualizovanog razvoja i usvajanja znanja.