RESEARCH METHODS: materials translated into Spanish
TBLT Kit: materials translated into Spanish
Individual needs in L2 learning
Acitivity form
Albanian Bus Station
Albanian Bus Station
The National Report on Inclusive Education in Serbia 2019-2021.
The National Report on Inclusive Education 2019–2021 aims to present the current state of play and progress as compared with the previous reporting period, along with the key challenges and directions for development with the aim of further increasing coverage and improving the quality, equity, efficiency and relevance of inclusive education. The Report describes key…
Lecture by Dyslexia expert Mejra Kijac
Educational/Documentation/Case Study about Dyslexia
Linguistic Landscapes: Beispielanalyse Berlin Karten
Karten, die eine Beispielanalyse von Geschäftsschildern in Berlin Charlottenburg zeigen. Die Kartenpunkte wurden über OSMAnd erstellt und liegen im Format .pgx vor. Dieses kann in verschiedene Kartenprogramme importiert und damit visualisiert werden. Die Karten werden im Modul Einführung in die Methode Linguistic Landscapes und den dort verlinkten Ressourcen verwendet.
Linguistic Landscapes: Bilder Berlin
Bilder mit Beispielen für Linguistic Landscapes, hauptsächlich aus Berlin, teilweise auch vom westlichen Balkan und von anderen Orten. Die Bilder werden im Modul Einführung in die Methode Linguistic Landscapes und den dort verlinkten Ressourcen verwendet. (Link muss noch eingefügt werden)
Einführung in die Methode Linguistic Landscapes (H5P)
Im Format H5P. Kann einfach in Moodle-Kurse oder auf andere Webseiten mit H5P-Unterstützung eingebunden werden. (Link ist noch einzufügen)
Einführung in die Methode Linguistic Landscapes (HTML)
Einführung in Form einer HTML-Seite. Leicht auf Webseiten einzubetten.
Literature: Research planning
Video: Name Game An Introduction Activity
Video: Research Methodologies – Identify & Choose the Right One for You
An overview from David Taylor.
Planning a research project: Survival guide
A guide from STUDYSmarter team of the University of Western Australia on planning research projects.
Planning research. A printable step-by-step guidePlanning research.
A guide from Plymouth university that helps you make a draft plan of the whole research project and poses questions to ask yourself at each stage to make sure you’re on track.
Planning a dissertation research project
A guide from Bangor university that addresses the task of planning and conducting a small research project, such as for an undergraduate or masters’ level dissertation.
Video: What is a Research Project? Importance of Research Projects, Ethics for Research Projects.
Literature list: Understanding scientific research
Assignment: Designing a research project. Sample solution
Assignment: Designing a research project. The research process
Task: Design a research project. Use the detailed description of the research process as guideline
Assignment: Designing a research project. Template
Case study conceptual design and development Task: Design a research project. Fill the in the proposed scheme
Filipović & Vučo 2019 – Multimodal transdisciplinary appraoch to cultural heritage preservation: linguistic and cultural landscapes